1458 Weber St. East Kitchener, ON

What is a medical peel? Medical Peels are an accelerated form of exfoliation, induced through stimulation by a chemical action of the skin.  The medical peel’s depth of action makes it possible to revitalize and refresh your skin.  They are safe and common practice.  Superficial medical peels contain Alpha-hydroxy acids and Beta-hydroxy acids, particularly glycolic acid, which is the smallest molecule in fruit acid.  For medium medical peels, the most commonly used agent is TCA.

What is The benefit of a medical peel? A medical peel in no way alters the shape of your face.  It is an entirely natural and effective procedure performed by a
professional.  It is discreet, so those around you will find you radiant without knowing why!

Do I need to prepare before beginning a medical peel treatment? It is strongly recommended to use the home care prescribed by your technician to prepare your skin.  You will need to start care at least weeks before your first medical peel.

What happens during a medical peel session? A session generally lasts approximately 30 minutes and is made up of several steps: the cleansing of the area to be treated, the application of the medical peel and finally, only in certain cases, neutralization.  For most medical peels, you need to do at least 4 sessions a couple of weeks apart.

What are the after effects of a medical peel? A few hours after the medical peel session, a slight redness to a sunburn effect will appear, depending on the type of medical peel treatment you have received.

Is a medical peel painful? During the application of the peeling agent, you will feel tingling, a perfectly bearable feeling of heat and then everything will settle down.

What safety precautions should I take? Tell your laser technician if you are pregnant, have had any allergic reactions, or are undergoing any beauty (hair removal, tanning, micro-dermabrasion) or medical treatment.  You must be sure to protect yourself from the sun (Sun Ceutic) for at least a month after treatment.

We have four types of medical peels that treat everything from oily, acne-prone skin to dilated pores, fine lines, pigmented spots and hyperpigmentation.
Schedule your complimentary consultation today, at Pino’s medispa, with
one of our trained laser technicians to find out which medical peel is best
suited for you.