1458 Weber St. East Kitchener, ON


We have been restructuring our schedule and the way we operate to accommodate the strict guidelines in this post-pandemic. Just as we are perfectionists with our crafts at Pino’s, we are determined to strive for perfection in disinfection and cleaning procedures so you will stay comfortable and safe as our guests.

Here are things that you should know and might notice during your “post quarantine visit”:

  • Masks are mandatory for all clients and staff at all times (We have extra masks and other necessary social distancing shields)
  • All beverages are suspended until further notice
  • We cannot accept walk-ins at this time (please call and book for proper screening)
  • Every service provider at Pino’s has been certified under the Professional Barbacide Sanitation Course
  • Although we were quite meticulous with our general salon & spa cleaning we have kicked it into 6th gear with disinfecting procedures
  • As you enter the the salon we will have the necessary screening methods at our sanitation station
  • We have our social distancing measurements in place (client-client and client-service provider distancing)
  • Extended our appointment times to take care of disinfecting procedures in between each client (tools, chairs, disposable capes, etc..)
  • In order to keep the numbers down in our salon, please avoid bringing along friends or family to your appointments at this time


We are very excited to be back at what we do and can’t wait to see our lovely clients!

Thank you,

Pino’s Salon Team